This week I worked with Prezume, an online tool that allows you to create an interactive resume. This tool is a great opportunity to stand out from the stacks of paper resumes, as well as showcase some of your technological skills. As I was creating my resume, I struggled identifying what "skills" meant in a a resume sense. Does this mean I list what I can do? Do I list my programs? My professional developments? Do I instead list my qualities that I see as skills in my classroom? After debating for a while, I settled with listing skills used within a professional setting. Here is the link to my Presume.
The website is very easy to navigate. The home screen provides 3 pre-made templates to enter your information into. You can login using your Facebook information or create a new account. I chose the Whiteboard prezume because it felt clean, organized, colorful, yet professional. I thought it was a perfect Prezi for an elementary school teacher.
This activity addressed NETS Standard 3 by giving me the opportunity to model digital age learning with an activity that relates to my profession and future profession. This also allows me to grow professionally by encouraging me to reinvent myself to potential jobs, addressing Standard 5.
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