Friday, January 24, 2014

A Diigo Breakthrough

After some serious frustration with Internet Explorer(don't laugh, I know this is completely outdated, but its a comfort thing), I was able to install my Diigolet on my toolbar using Google Chrome and have been organizing my articles on my Diigo site...the link to which you will find under my "Favorite Links" to your right. I feel like I have conquered quite a feat. If I get frustrated online, I usually have no problem walking away. Thank you to EDU 585 for making determination to figure it out a small requirement :)

I have always used Internet Explorer as my browser, but since FCPS has recently switched to using Google sites/network to link all employees...I'm embracing a little change. A browser add-on is something usually written by a third party intended extend or enhance your browser. Silverlight, Adobe Flash, Java Scripts-all are also examples of add-ons meant to enrich your browser's visual capabilities.

And now, Diigo! What a cool site. I really wish I would have found this research tool while completing my home-school connection research project last semester! From what I understand in the video, there are 3 simple steps to social bookmarking.
Step 1) You must seek out interesting articles/highlight important parts of said article
Step 2) Add a comment about what you are thinking about highlighted piece/article
Step 3) Bookmark the article to your diigo library using the toolbar installed. 
...within step 3 you can also tag your bookmark and organize it within a list on your Diigo library(this is great for research projects or even professional development requirements!!)

I began seeking out articles on assessment in the classroom. Formative, summative, formal, informal, data, data,'s all we hear. My next step in organizing my Diigo library is finding articles that are talking about what to DO with all this data. I feel like I spend so much time collecting data, I rarely get to utilize this important information.

After reading the Educational Leadership article, thinking about how we are using Diigo in EDU 585, and also finding ways I can incorporate this tool into my own classroom, I think it addresses the ISTE NETS T standards 1c, 5c, and 2a. We are creating a digital and global community by collaborating with our peers and students within the Diigo module. I think we are also using current research on digital technology by exploring our peers' sites and learning new information from ideas, articles, and other things they have collected on their library. My creativity is being fostered by allowing me to choose which articles I collect and comment on my Diigo site.

I am really interested in using this as a classroom tool for my students to explore and begin understanding/practice how to compile research and formulate their own opinion.

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