Monday, February 10, 2014

numbers 1..a battle won against excel

<----Self portrait take 2. These past two weeks have blind-sided me. (read absolutely exhausted me). I've been playing catch up with many things, my blog included! Here's some thoughts about my Excel experience:Take 1.

I know that this Excel program is meant to make calculating values (averages, ranges, etc), but unless you know the shortcuts, it's a miserable and tedious task. This in itself, especially in our "must-have-now" generation, is enough to turn Excel users away. I took a course this fall regarding basic statistics(terminology, application, etc) and some Excel formatting. This class was a great introduction to copy/paste formatting, labeling, and creating formulas within Excel. 

My personal experience has been if I don't continue to practice something, read something, etc...I will eventually forget. I did have to reteach myself using Dr. Pierce's Jing movies, but was able to pick up skills quicker the second time around. Here's my Excel Spreadsheet. As I was uploading my document to Google Drive, I chose to share this spreadsheet only with people who have the link. That being said, all who view this blog post will be able to view my spreadsheet.

I think this activity allowed me to re-familiarize myself with Excel as a way to transfer my current knowledge of the technology in a new situation, such as my classroom(NETS 3a, 2c). Using Excel and its formulas also allow me to model effective use of Excel to my peers and share/open the possibilities to use the technology(NETS3d).

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